Colony Name: Atlantis Omega
Creator:     Masako Goto



System/Location:              Atlantis System
Distance to Nearest Starbase: sixteen hours to SB ALPHA
Planet Classification:        M-Class
Satellites/Space Stations:    None
Land/Water Ratio:             30% Land/70% Water
                              Three continents of about the
                              same size surrounded by ocean
Climate Controlled:           No
Native Sentient Life:         None



Colony Age (approximate): 100 years
Population (approximate): 50,000
Species Present:          60% Human, 40% Others
Colony Status:            Federation Protectorate
Government:               Board of Trustees (appointed) headed
                          by a President elected by popular vote
Major Cities/Settlements: Mayfield (city), Strauss (city)

History:                  Colony originally formed as
                          privately-owned science research
                          base.  Original Board of Trustees
                          consisted of stockholders of the
                          scientific corporation.  Association
                          with corporation ended with death of
                          founder, but colonists elected to
                          remain on Atlantis Omega to establish
                          scientific traditions.

Economy:                  Credit-based; conversion services
                          available for travel to latinum-based
                          economic systems.  Major resources are
                          advanced scientific equipment and
                          research opportunities.

Tech Level:               Modern

Culture:                  Society is based on University
                          Academician system; an individual's
                          societal level depends on his or her
                          scientific contributions.  Teaching,
                          Service, and Research are the three
                          fundamental values of Atlantis Omega.

Notes:                    Over 90% of the population is
                          involved in direct scientific
                          research; the other 10% maintains the
                          largely automated food production and
                          waste management systems as well as
                          goods production and foreign

                          Individuals are addressed by their
                          last names, except among immediate
                          family, and the naming of children
                          follows a strict code.

                          Academic standards are quite high, and
                          those failing to achieve those standards
                          are often considered mntally subnormal.

                          The main interplanetary contact Atlantis
                          Omega has is to Starfleet, which a
                          limited number of citizens are allowed to
                          join in the interest of scientific
                          development and cultural diversity.

                          Atlantis Omegan is a language
                          somewhat similar to so-called
                          programming languages of late
                          20th Century Earth.  It is used
                          mostly in textbooks and technical
                          specification manuals.  Though rarely
                          used in normal speech, most of the
                          governmental documents have been
                          translated into Atlantis Omegan, and
                          some particularly pompous Presidents
                          have been known to give speeches
                          in Atlantis Omegan.
