Official UFPDOCA Submission Template


Colony Name: Cella IV
Creator: Eric Sevigny  aka ENS. Den N'Sha



System/Location: Cella system, Secara Sector                     
Distance to Nearest Starbase: 3 days from Trill, 1 week from SB OMEGA

Planet Classification:  
	Barren rock planetoid. 
	Atmosphere composed of 70% nitrogen, 2% chlorine and 28% other gases

Satellites/Space Stations: 
	Lenz, a large uninhabited asteroid 
	LX-Ja’Ran Fleet Yard and repair outpost, orbiting the colony           

Land/Water Ratio: 100% rock overground, though the mantel and crust are
	composed of approximately 20%frozen water.                     

Climate Controlled: Yes, underground and overground bubble habitable only.
Native Sentient Life: None. But overground atmosphere contain



Colony Age (approximate):	120 years [founded around 2280]       
Population (approximate):	3 millions [symbiont colony excluded]
Species Present:		95% Trill, 5% others [symbiont colony excluded]
Colony Status:		Trill protectorate                 
Government:		Council, appointed by the colonists and
			representing the Trill government.                     

Major Cities/Settlements:	3 Major underground settlements: Yono Ward, New
			Telara and Wayland.       

	The Cella IV colony is a masterpiece of Trill determination.

	The Secara sector was first surveyed by a Trill probe 130 years ago.
	The Cella IV planetoid was found uninhabitable but potentially rich in
	minerals, a survey ship was later sent to investigate. Then, the mining
	colony emerged.  The hostile environment and the presence of valuable
	minerals deep into the crust of the planet forced the colonists to establish
	themselves several kilometers underground; digging their own cities and
 	exploiting natural vast caves. There exist six entrances to the colony
	(two for each settlements) for medium sized ships (the entrances are
	protected by redundant force fields and two emergency Duranium gates
	which close if the redundant force fields cease to function),
	those are: the North passage, Yavin’s throat, Lenz’s window(from
 	which you can see the Lenz asteroid), Dark One and Dark Two and finally
        the Silver Ring. The settlements are also connected to each other,
	even though transporter technology is mostly used. There are six connecting
 	conduits (large enough to fit a medium sized starship): the Peripheral,
	Maa, the Junction, the Ice cliff passage, Glimmer and an unnamed tunnel
	between Wayland and New Telara. The underground colony also support one
	of the first non-Trill based symbiont colony. Mainly located at New
 	Telara, the colony lives in vast tunnels of heated water
	(from the frozen core) and chemically balanced solution.    

Economy:	Mineral exportation based; Dilithium and other precious materials
		can be found.

Tech Level:	Modern.

Culture:	Mirror of Trill. Harsh life, strict rules and guidelines.

Notes:		Star Fleet has recently sent the USS-DAMA to the Secara sector
		to maintain peace between the Breen, Romulans and Trill
		cohabiting the sector.
